World Day of Prayer Offering helps Portuguese children to participate in the Summer Camp 2007

Portuguese Women and Lar Evangelico Portugues (LEP), the Portuguese Home for Children in Porto, are very grateful for the offering that helped to bring a group of children from the orphanage to the Summer Camps organised in the Baptist Camp of the Portuguese Baptist Convention, in Agua de Madeiros.  


Every year the LEP wishes to send as many children as they can, of different age groups, to Summer Camps, where they can grow spiritually, meet other Christian children and have the opportunity to receive Christ as their Saviour and Lord. But, of course, each year, it is more and more difficult to do so, because of the amount of money required for that.

This year, we all are very grateful because the orphanage could be helped by our sisters from Europe, who gave through the Day of Prayer Offering. A group of children, from 9 to 12, could participate for a week in a camp that was planed, prepared and ran by Dina Marques, one of our women's leaders.

The smiles of the children are the reward God gives to all of us for sharing resources and for the intercession and love of his people around the world.

May God bless you all!


