Poland National Baptist Women’s Conference, September 2012
My first women’s conferenceCornelia ZukCornelia Zuk

My name is Cornelia. I am 21 years old and I live in Poland.

This year, for the first time I participated in the National Baptist women’s Conference.
The theme of our meeting was a verse from the Letter to the Philippians 4:13. "I can do all things in him who strengthens me in Christ."

Merely by accident I took part in this meeting. My mom, who regularly participated in the women’s conferences had broken her arm. Because she wanted to go, and the arm was immobilized in a cast, I decided to help her and we went together. I was pleasantly surprised by the warm atmosphere, the content of the lectures and workshops and close relationships between all participants of the conference. I always thought, that such meetings are addressed to older women, but I found out how much of the contents and truths discussed at the conference are represented in my life as well.

I also learned by the President’s of the EBWU Livija Godina report, how many sisters around the world are engaged in the service of women, which rely on mutual support.

I thank God for the opportunity to participate in this event and I will encourage other sisters at my age to participate in the future conferences of women.

Cornelia Zuk




