Baptist Women's World Day of Prayer
in Budapest, Hungary – 2012

We celebrated the Baptist Women's World Day of Prayer on 4th of November, Sunday evening in our church, gathering together from different churches in Budapest area. Our speaker was Aniko Varga the president of the Hungarian Baptist Women's Department. We really had a meaningful time in prayers, in sharing and listening to beautiful music given by girls and young women.

What is more, as I organized and planned this evening I wished to have a guest from Asia, but because of other things I couldn't work on it seriously. Saturday night the president of the Hungarian Baptist Union called us if we can give accommodation to a couple from India who couldn't cross the border to Romania because of lacking visa and they are in need. So we had them, as we talked I asked the lady if she is open to join us for this special prayer meeting. She was so happy, she was a medical doctor and served with her husband in home mission in India. So the Lord gifted us with a guest from Asia in His special way.

It was a meaningful experience as the Lord binded us together in prayers!

Aniko Ujvari