Moscow Election Conference,
23-25 March 2010
Dear sisters,
On March 23-25 the election meeting of the Women’s Department took place within the 33th Congress of the Russian Union of Evangelical Baptist Christians. The motto of the conference was “[We] should always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1).
Vera Izotova (newly elected president), Tatiana Cherkasova, Elena Boretskaya
At the opening of the conference the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Moscow Sergey Zolotarevsky read the words from the book of Job: "How my heart yearns within me!" (Job 19: 27). He said: “Job suffered, but his heart was with the Lord. Are your hearts yearning for your Lord? Your prayers and your faithfulness support our brotherhood.
We express deep gratitude to Diana Kondratieva for her commitment to her ministry. She has experienced a lot of hardships. Bless her and continue to pray”.
The participants of the conference warmly thanked Diana Kondratieva and the secretary Svetlana Svedlova for their faithful work.
Diana Kondratieva
Vera Izotova was elected as the new president of the Women's Department for 2010-2014 . She was responsible for the women’s training program in the Executive Committee. Elena Boretskaya, (Nizhniy Novgorod region) and Tatiana Cherkasova (Yekaterinburg) were elected as vice-presidents. The Executive Committee of the Women’s Department was also approved at the conference.
Diana Kondratieva, who is responsible for the prayer ministry in Russia, is now prayerfully considering the continuation of her work in the Executive Committee. Sister Svetlana Svedlova also prays for God's guidance in her ministry.
Please pray for the elected leaders and ask the Lord to help us be good helpers to our brothers in their ministry. May the name of our Lord be glorified through our ministry. Thank you for your prayer support and cooperation!
On behalf of Executive Committee,
Tatiana Cherkasova, Vice president
Participants of the conference