Day of Prayer in Budapest, 2009Aniko UjvariAniko Ujvari

In every year there is a special day for the Baptist women as we celebrate the Day of Prayer. Can you imagine how great it is! All day in the whole world women are in front of the Lord in prayer for not just their own needs, but for the needs in different continents.
This is the time when we face the difficulties and the human needs which are really the same for every life. We need safety, caring love, tenderness, we need homes, families, peace. We need someone not only to be loved by, but someone to love. We have all these spiritual needs because we have life not just in flesh but in spirit, too.

In Hungary we are part of  this prayer chain. This year we organized in three different places in Budapest, in this huge city, so the women could gather together closer to their homes.

I wish to report you about the evening in a church at the downtown. Budapest’s downtown is similar to the big cities all around the world. Full of contrasts between the bright boulevards and dark, dusty frightening narrow streets. We have three churches at the downtown, full of challenges toward the people with social problems.

One of these churches gave place for our prayer time. There were around one hundred participants. First we heard the words of God. The speaker talked about the Psalm 24. Do I have time to be in silence and think about the beauty of the created world, the order in it? Do I know that it is my responsibility also to take care of the surroundings? How can I come closer to the Lord? Do I open the door to the Redeemer and to my neighbours? Or the rust of fear and envy, guilt don't allow me to do so? The Lord is only one Almighty but He needs you, He counts on you.

Than we listened a testimony, a touching poem, and sang together. Following that I had an opportunity to share my experiences about the situation of women in Europe.

We spread the continents to seven  different corners in the hall and    
invited the women for a „long trip” to one of them. They had got the prayer requests and walking to the aisle in prayer they put the sheet of paper to the cross lightened with candles.

We felt what a great joy to be in the presence of God, to talk to Him in prayer and have contact with all our sisters around the world. We left the sanctuary of this old church building with easy heart filled with joy of the fellowship.

God bless you as you are walking together with Him on your path.

Aniko Ujvari
EBWU secretary