Baptist Women's World Prayer Day in Timisoara (Romania)
5 November, 2007

Dear sisters,

What a privilege it is for me to share with you about the way women in our city celebrated the prayer day last November in the First Baptist Church “Betel”, Timisoara.

We publicized the event the preceding week on the local Christian radio station, and invited sisters from all Baptist churches to join us in prayer at “Betel”. Over 90 ladies answered our invitation.



We decorated the church with flowers and prepared the program of the day. Different sisters took different parts of the program, reading the messages included in the program and we also had a worship band leading us in praise for the first part of the meeting. As special guests, we had Pastor Popovici family. Brother Pitt Popovici was a pastor in our church in the late 1960s and one of the prominent leaders of the Baptists during that period, resisting the oppressive communist regime. As a result, he and his family were forced to leave the country and live now in the USA. He opened the day in prayer and talked for a few minutes about the important role women play in the life of the church, then he left the meeting. Sister Popovici, now a 83 years old woman, shared with us about women’s ministry during those hard times, and their daughter, Angela, a full time missionary with IMB, spoke about the importance of the day and led the Bible study.

A special moment in the meeting was the presentation of the Liberia project. The desperate situation our sisters are confronted with in that country touched our hearts. We spent time praying for the situation in that country and for the needs presented in the material. After prayer we had an offering for the needs of the ministry there.

The highlight of the day was praying for the continents. We divided in eight groups, each group receiving a list with the prayer requests - those of the six continents, of the international leadership of our Baptist Alliance, and one of the groups prayed for the leadership of  the Romanian Baptist Union asking God for His provision of grace so that women’s ministry will become official in our country.

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The evening ended in praise and then we had some fellowship serving cookies and tea. What a blessing to be a part of God’s international Baptist family, to know that we are not alone and that we can contribute in our small way to what God is doing among His women in the world!

With love in Christ,
Gina Bulica, Timisoara, Romania.