In Memoriam: Else M. Ohrn (1922-2012)Else M. OhrnElse M. Ohrn

It was with great sadness that we received the message that Else M. Ohrn passed away on April 1. 2012, at the age of 90. Sadness because we miss a devoted worker among the women in Norway and Europe. But we also feel joy because we know that now she is with the Lord.

Else was born and grew up in Bergen. She was educated as a children’s nurse. Marrying Jacob Ohrn she married into a strong Baptist family. Her father-in-law was Arnold T. Ohrn who served as BWA General Secretary from 1948.

From 1973 she served as Treasurer of the Women’s Union of Norway. She travelled a lot in our long country, keeping up the contact with the women, encouraging them to serve the Lord. During this period she also visited Congo, where our Women’s Union is very much involved.

1977-1982 she served as President of EBWU. She was devoted in her ministry as President, and she had a hearth for the women of Europe.

Else had a genuine interest in other people’s lives, and she had the gift of listening to people. Her personality was gentle and including.

May the Lord comfort her husband Jacob and the family. We miss Else, and we give thanks to the Lord for our gifted sister.


Margun Warem