Advices for the new yearErzsebet Vekas
"Do not worry..." (Mt 6, 31-34)
We wish our friends many good things at the beginning of a new year. The quoted Bible verses are nothing else but the good advice of our heavenly Father for His children. There were many cases when I hurt my Father with my worries. I would only like to tell one of these now.
It happened 28 years ago. Our daughter Blanka was 4 years old. After many medical investigations the final diagnosis was: our daughter would never be able to hear and speak. The specialists advised us to take her to a special school where she could learn something.
A period of prayer and crying followed with my husband. We found out that there was a special institute in a city 180 km away from our hometown, where she could learn in our mother tongue, and would be admitted from kindergarten age. It was mid of October. So we had to hurry, because we were late. While packing the necessary things for her I had a deep inner struggle. We started early next morning. We could not even explain to our daughter where we were going. But we had to go, because we clearly knew this was the only way to make her future easier.
We arrived. It was a cold, stone building. The teachers were kind, but our daughter did not want to remain there. We could not do anything but leave her there.
We were sad on our way home, my husband encouraged me: The Lord will take care of her. We could not teach her in the way, they do it at this school.
We phoned the school quite often, visited her and took her home for the holidays. We observed, that whenever we brought her back to school she tried to make the time of saying goodbye as short as possible. After 15 years of school she could come home, which was a celebration for our family.
It was the beginning of November 2010. One afternoon my daughter came home from work. As usually she sat down at the bed of her father to talk with him (he was diagnosed with cancer in 2002). The time of his home call was near. He was consciously preparing for going to the Lord, and tried to help us also prepare for the time of separation. Blanka said to her father: Thank you, that you were so wise and brought me to school. I know it was hard, but I learned to read and write, to work, I can read the Bible and this is good.
I was struggling with my tears. I had to admit, that all my worries were in vain. The Lord forgave them. He protected our daughter. She became stronger.
„So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:31-34)
I would like to keep in mind two important things in the time left for me on the earth:
- Each day has enough trouble of its own - so I should not worry, because as the Bible says: „My grace is enough for you.”
- I should seek first the kingdom of God in everything, even the smallest details of my life.
My dear sister, I do not know, why you are worrying:
- Are you afraid of your older days, weakness?
- Or are you worrying because of the future of your children?
- Can you not rest because of your uncertain economical situation?
- Are you sad because your children are not obedient?
- Are you disappointed because your church gave in to postmodern temptations?
There are many reasons to worry. The godly advice refers to all your troubles.
The God of Universe advises His children who follow Him with all their heart: do not worry, I have all the power. Those people who serve the Lord, are also good stewards of the material things looking on them as gifts from God.
I wish all the readers of this website to grow in trusting the Lord Jesus Christ, and a Happy New Year with Him!
Erzsebet Vekas, 04 January 2012