European Baptist Women's Union


EBWU Committee Meetingand
Regional Women's Conference
for Middle East Countries

April 3-10, 2005, Larnaca,

"Working Together for Christ"

The EBWU Committee meets yearly, to pray, to plan and to organise the work of Baptist women in Europe. For Baptists, concept of geography is wider than just what we see on the map.

This year April 3-10 we chose Larnaca on the Island of Cyprus, in the Mediterranean as our place of meeting. It was a good place for the Middle East Countries sisters to be able to attend.

Livija Lame
Vice President


At the weekend there was a conference, where participated sisters from Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt and Iraq. The theme of the conference was 'Working Together for Christ'. It was a special time as we used Bible study, prayer and work groups to learn how to be a blessing to those next to us, our neighbours. It was an amazing fellowship time that the Holy Spirit gave us. We have heard marvellous testimonies of what God is doing in different lives and different countries.

Sister Jamilli from Lebanon is blind since she was 12, but God spoke to her, made her His daughter, giving her an amazing gift of singing. EBWU Committee president Ewa Gutkovska was speaking us about her trips. Other sisters shared about associations they are in contact with, and we prayed for them.


Participants of the Middle Eastern Women Conference

Dear sisters in Europe and across the borders of Europe, you are in our prayers. Planning the Women's Leadership Conference in Birmingham took a lot of time, but we hope to see many of you at the conference in July.

And our greatest meeting will be in November 7th, 2005, at World Baptist Prayer day 'Seeing With New Eyes', this time prepared by the representatives of our Committee. Let us meet each other at the Throne of King Jesus !

Livija Lame, EBWU Vice President


Echoes of the Middle Eastern Conference

The sea was brilliantly shining in the sun as our plane approached to the island. In my thoughts I was flying back to centuries ago. Apostle Paul has also visited this island.

Now, we, the representatives of the European Baptist Sisters, we were also visiting this island waiting with Christ's love for our Middle Eastern sisters.

Elisabeth Vekas
EBWU Treasurer


In the city - rows of palm trees, orange and lemon trees, all full of fruits. A wonderful scene. Lord do you find any fruit in my life? - I was asking to myself. But more beautiful is, when our sisters from different countries came, and greeted each other with love, though we never met before. We wonder again and again how beautiful is when we, God's children, can feel from the very first look that we belong to the same Father. His love embraces us and binds us together. Our sisters with radiant black eyes received us into their friendship during two days and we prayed and talked freely.

I might quote the psalmist "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1), how beautiful is when sisters are together, in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our sisters came from different countries, different life circumstances, but as God's redeemed children, we all shared the same Spirit.

We were looking for answers in the theme of "Working for Christ" based on Heb 13:20-21 and 1Cor 3:9.

  • Who can work for Christ?
  • Why should we serve Christ, work for Him?
  • What can we do (work) for Him?
  • How should we work for Him?
  • The consequences of the work for Christ in my life (John 12,26)

Praying for ourselves and for each other strengthened in us the desire: to serve Christ with joy, and faithfulness by the place that He has established for us: in the family, among women, maybe helping ill or elder people, or in difficult circumstances. To work with Him and work for Him. This work brings us joy that nothing else can give.

Taking leave

The two days passed quickly. We had to take leave. Maybe I will never meet again on earth the warm-hearted Middle Eastern sisters - I was reflecting to myself. But we said good bye to each other with the hope, that if we will not meet here on earth, we will meet in Heaven. And until that we will meet many times in soul, praying for each other.

Dear friends from Europe and other continents. It is a special grace that we can serve to Christ. Let us do it with joy, as long as we have time.

Elisabeth Vekas, EBWU Treasurer




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