"Love is, what is left"
Elisabeth Flügge celebrated her 100th Birthday
The German Baptist Women Union is proud and thankful for a great famous old lady. Elisabeth Flügge, very well-known as our president for a long time and as the EBWU-president in the sixties could celebrate her 100th birthday on 24 January 2010. Since 1981 she lives in Weltersbach near Köln; there is a Baptist old people’s home for 500 persons. Many guests came to congratulate and give her honour! Elisabeth Flügge was born in the Netherlands and 50 people from her relations came with a bus to visit her aunt.
On Sunday after the service in the Baptist church there was a ceremony with a lot of speakers and Elisabeth was an attentive listener.
A time later I was sitting by her side and holding her hands. She told me: “Elisabeth, please don’t forget and remind every time, what is left, is love. Dagmar Kersting – she was one of the speakers - said to me, that she loves me and this was the greatest word I have heard today!”
Elisabeth Flügge is no more able to see with her eyes, but she can very clearly and deeply see with heart's eyes!
Many women of our Women Union had written their memories to Elisabeth and their congratulations and I spoke this letters on a CD; so she can hear when ever she will.
May God bless this new year of her life and we are so grateful to our Lord and to Elisabeth for all blessings we had received from her!
Elisabeth Kapsreiter