6th Roma Women's Conference in Akos, Romania
24 October 2009

As I think to the beginnings, I cannot help wondering about what God has done. In 1991 there was not even one believing Christian among the Roma (gypsy) people of Akos village. God has spoken to His servants and sent them among the despised Roma. That has begun in 1992.


The first baptism among them was in 1993, when 10 persons have become members of the newly established Roma church. In this village there live about 1000 Roma people, along with ethnic Hungarians and Romanians.

In every year more and more followers of Christ have joined the Akos Baptist Roma Church which has today more than 130 members. From the beginnings we were having regular Bible studies with the children and also with the women.

They were learning not only the Bible. We were discussing about the basic household works, about raising children, about everyday issues of life. And God's word was working among them. As their life has changed, many things have changed. The way they were relating to work, the way they spent their little money they had. Their families and their homes have also changed. The children began to attend school, they were relating differently to the issues of life, they were marrying and raising children differently. Also the life of women has changed. One man and one woman live together, they respect each other and come together to church. They pray together and sing together in the family.

By God's grace we have had the 6th Roma Women Conference in this church. Roma women came from 16 localities, and we were together about 260-270 women. The theme was: “Our body the church of the Holy Spirit”. We were talking about keeping our bodily members clean (our eyes, our ears, feet and lips). It is a great challenge hast the Eternal God lives in us through His Spirit, or at least He wants to live in us. Our body can be a beautiful church, we can mirror His purity, His holiness. It was good to hear the heartily songs, the moving testimonies. From where have God  lifted them up, from imaginable spiritual depths, from all kind of bondages.

We are thanking to God for the helping sisters who made possible this meeting. Our Roma sisters are looking forward to the next year meeting.

He wants to use me and you. Are you ready to be God's ambassador toward women, toward people? Give your time, your money, or anything else He needs. I do not know what does God want from you but I know that  “The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it” (Proverbs 10:22).

Dear reader I am wishing God's blessings to your life.

Erzsebet Vekas

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