Project of Missions in Mozambique
by Portuguese Baptist Women
written by Margarida
was with this motivation - to serve - that we gave up our holidays
and travelled to Beira, a city in Mozambique, where our missionaries
Eduardo and Isabel live. They are working in Theological Education
in Mozambique with the support of the partnership between EBM
(European Baptist Mission) and Portuguese Baptist Convention.
Claudia de Sousa
Women's President Claudia de Sousa travelled on the 20th July
for being present and participate at the General Assembly
of the Mozambican Baptist Women. She spoke to the Assembly
and met with the presidents of the different local groups.
These meetings were used to establish projects of cooperation
among Portuguese and Mozambican women. |
the 27th July the other two women of the team, Noémia Pereira,
who is Executive Secretary of the Women's Union, and Laura Coelho,
a professional dressmaker, left Portugal to meet Cláudia and the
missionary couple.
is the second city of the Country and is recovering little by
little from war and destruction. At the local Baptist church they
met all the people (man, women and youth) interested in the different
Courses. The women had to work in the mornings in their farms
(machambas) and cook for the family. In the afternoon they came
to learn.
offered three Courses:
- (52 people including 3 young men). They separated into
two groups (morning and afternoon). They had to buy more fabric
and sewing materials in order to teach all the people, and
also one more sewing machine.
Leadership - (16 women). They learnt several aspects
of leading a group, preparing meetings, planning activities,
and different ideas for ministering to women.
of Sunday School Teachers - (22 students). They could
learn how to prepare a Bible Story and how to present it to
different age groups. They also learnt how to use daily life
materials to transform in puppets, posters, crafts for bible
stories and bible verses.
two years women in Portugal raised money in churches, Retreats,
Regional Meetings and in Summer Camps for this project. We paid
the trip of the team and also bought materials. Many materials
for Sunday School and Leadership were prepared and reproduced.
We thank the Lord for each women who shared her offering.
blessed our sisters from Mozambique and we were blessed by them.
This was a wonderful experience which will help the proclamation
of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ among all peoples of the
earth. Together, hand-in-hand we serve the Lord!